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File: 1284513219515.jpg–(327.39KB, 600x484, 1284513219515.jpg)
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
¨ No.550
Is that...a vibrating toothbrush?! How obscene!
¨ No.551
Yes, I brushed my teeth once. Why do you ask?
¨ No.552  >>553
¨ No.553
1284534474121.jpg–(16.32KB, 372x336, 1284534474121.jpg)
Zetsuboushita! Dental brushing has left me in dispair!
¨ No.554  >>566
Toothbrushing play: The new armpit fetish.
¨ No.555
I wish she would forcefully brush my teeth instead of the other way around. Does that make me even more depraved?
¨ No.556  >>557
1284538203013.jpg–(295.08KB, 810x1080, 1284538203013.jpg)
Does it matter if there are teeth involved?
¨ No.557  >>572
¨ No.558
Thanks for the reminder, VIPPER!
¨ No.559
What next, pooping fetish?
¨ No.560
I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this... but.. one time... I got brushed on a crowded train.
¨ No.561
1284855557745.jpg–(83.73KB, 529x440, 1284855557745.jpg)
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
¨ No.562
¨ No.563
1284871997853.png–(72.94KB, 500x500, 1284871997853.png)
So depraved
¨ No.564
1284927980757.png–(311.59KB, 636x433, 1284927980757.png)
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
¨ No.565
After being exposed to this, I am actually finding myself quite aroused by it.

Is there something wrong with me?

¨ No.566  >>567, >>571, >>1381
Google >>554 -> look at first result -> feel immensely disturbed
¨ No.567  >>568
A musical toothbrush, what's so disturbing about that?
¨ No.568  >>569
Google the exact text in quotes. Note where the first (and only result) is located.

We have spies in our midst.

¨ No.569  >>570
This must be some disturbing coincidence...
¨ No.570
Must be.. I mean, there's no way that it could actually be a VIPPER....
¨ No.571
But the REAL question should be why was >>566 searching "Toothbrushing play: The new armpit fetish."...
¨ No.572
¨ No.1381  >>1385, >>1388
Whatever this was is lost to time.
¨ No.1385
This board already has dead links*?

           ___  GOOOD.    /__\
          /___\ JOB!    ./ |´・ω・`| \__
        / .|´・ω・`|. \__    (    ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ_  )
        (    ̄ ̄ ̄  ヽ_  ,)    \ ヽ  . л |_/
        \  ヽ   л.  |_/      〉\_二二__] |
         〉\_二二__].  |       ./       . |
        . /.         |       /   ,__   /
        /   ,____  ./      /   / \   |
      . /  _/   \  |      / _/.    \ |
     _/_/____(._/    _/_/______ (_/

[*close enough]
¨ No.1388
It was a video about Vagina Dentata. I believe it was either a scene or a trailer for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teeth_%28film%29

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