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File: 1442040368165.jpg–(57.25KB, 720x960, Pk2Q8qJ.jpg)
Long live america, the country chosen by God himself.
¨ No.279
i think america is a good country and if it wasnt for the pilgrims we wouldnt have all the freedoms we have but i think that it has problems to, like how high are taxes are and how people are allowed to have guns. but i syill think america is the best country (sorry europe
¨ No.292
if america is such a free country then why isnt it licensed under GNU GPL?
¨ No.298  >>314
Why the fuck would god even care about a country only made like 200 years ago?
¨ No.314
1442177911863.jpg–(179.35KB, 1440x810, pr_Ron.jpg)
Because it's America, son.

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